Istituto di Biometereologia


The collection contains 48 mother plants (pre-basic material), in compliance with regional legislatice decres and with ministerial decree, certified olive plant produced through the process of premultiplication . Nurserymen who produce certified plants, distinguished by a specific label, are provided with propagation material only from mother tree block, which are recognized and tested by regional SFR.

Web: http://www.bo.ibimet.cnr.it

Hosted by

IBIMET Istituto di Biometereologia
Sede di Bologna
c/o Area della Ricerca di Bologna, Via Gobetti, 101
40125 - Bologna (BO)
Web: http:// www.ibimet.cnr.it

Contact person for collection

Dr. A. Rotondi
Phone: 051 6399011
E-mail: a.rotondi@ibimet.cnr.it