IPSP-TO Phytoplasmas
IVV-TORINO Phytoplasmas Collection


The collection contains 18 isolates of 4 ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma’ species and 9 isolates of other phytoplasmas for which a species status is not yet available. These are classified based on the 16SrRNA gene sequence in 16S groups. The isolates are all graft-maintained in the host plant, mainly periwinkle.

Hosted by

IPSP Istituto per la Protezione Sostenibile delle Piante
Sede di Torino
Strada delle Cacce, 73
10135 - Torino (TO)
Web: http://new.ivv.cnr.it/headquarters/sede-di-torino/

Referente della collezione

Dr.ssa Cristina Marzachì
Tel: +39 011 3977926
E-mail: c.marzachi@ivv.cnr.it