Plant Virus Torino


The collection of plant viruses, comprising over 1000 isolates, is one of the biggest in the world. The first entries date back to the late 1960: 750 isolates have been determined to the species level (representing 125 virus species), whereas 250 samples are uncharacterized. Most samples are stored as liophylized leaves whereas negative strand viruses are stored in liquid nitrogen. A limited number of viruses are maintained as infected plants or as infectious cDNAs. The collection contains a number of unique reference viruses requested as positive controls by a number of colleagues in the world. Some virus species are uniquely stored in our collection. The collection would benefit of new resources to characterize molecularly all the entries, and for a diagnostic screen to all the entries so far uncharacterized.

Hosted by

IPSP Istituto per la Protezione Sostenibile delle Piante
Sede di Torino
Strada delle Cacce, 73
10135 - Torino (TO)

Referente della collezione

Dr. Massimo Turina
Tel: +39 011 3977923