Live PPV reference isolates Bari


Live collection of 38 selected PPV isolates representative of the genetic variability of Plum pox virus, as resulted by the characterization of a large (nearly 800 isolates) PPV population carried out at European level within the SharCo Project, part-financed by the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under Grant Agreement n°204429. The collection includes isolates representative of the 7 known PPV strains, collected by ten partners of the SharCo project, maintained in Prunus spp. plants in pots, hosted in a quarantine green house facility of the IVV-BA.

Hosted by

IPSP Istituto per la Protezione Sostenibile delle Piante
Sede di Bari
Via Amendola, 122/D
70126 - Bari (BA)
Web: http://www.ipp.cnr.it/index.php/it/organizzazione/sezioni/sede-di-bari.html

Referente della collezione

Dr. Donato Boscia
Tel: +39 080 5443067
E-mail: d.boscia@ba.ivv.cnr.it