Live Olive Viruses Bari


The collection comprises isolates of the most common olive infecting viruses: OLYaV, CLRV, SLRV, OLV-1, OLV-2 and OLRSV. The infected sources, consisting of grafted plants, are maintained in open field in the experimental station of the University of Bari. The infected materials come from Italy, US, Lebanon, Egypt and Albania.

Hosted by

IPSP Istituto per la Protezione Sostenibile delle Piante
Sede di Bari
Via Amendola, 122/D
70126 - Bari (BA)
Web: http://www.ipp.cnr.it/index.php/it/organizzazione/sezioni/sede-di-bari.html

Referente della collezione

Dr. Donato Boscia
Tel: +39 080 5443067
E-mail: d.boscia@ba.ivv.cnr.it