IBBA-CNR Cryobank
Criobanca "Giuseppe Rognoni" IBBA-CNR


From 1999, semen samples of 4 italian pig breeds collected in the framework of the EU project "EUROPEAN GENE BANKING PROJECT FOR PIG GENETIC RESOURCES" GENRES012 have been stored. Genetic material was split into 2 sites: the primary site is at IBBA-UOS in Lodi at the Parco Tecnologico Padano, the secondary site at the INSEME (LO) genetic center. At present the collection includes 6891 semen doses of 11 Casertana males, 10569 doses of 14 Cinta Senese males, 942 doses of a Mora Romagnola male and 13710 doses of 26 Nero Siciliano males. From 2007 in the Criobank IBBA-CNR genetic material of 17 males of the genetic type Suino Nero della Lomellina with a total of 2579 is stored.


Web: http://www.ibba.cnr.it/index.php/en/research-activities/the-research-areas/224

Hosted by

IBBA Istituto di Biologia e Biotecnologia Agraria
Sede di Lodi
c/o Parco Tecnologico Padano. Via Einstein, Località Cascina Codazza
26900 - Lodi (LO)
Web: http://www.ibba.cnr.it/index.php/it/chi-siamo/le-strutture/sede-di-lodi

Contact person for collection

Dr.ssa Flavia Pizzi
Phone: +39 0372 4662505
E-mail: pizzi@ibba.cnr.it