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World Biodiversity Congress and Expo 2013, Chiang Mai, Thailand

07 November 2013Animali
The World Biodiversity Congress 2013 explores the multiple aspects of Biodiversity contributing to human well being and describes the direct and indirect factors contributing to biodiversity loss.  

WBC brings together about more than 300 Delegates from 25 countries and select exhibitors, over a 4 day period from 26-29th of Nov 2013 in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The aim is to gather together the government and Non-governmental organizations, Academic and R&D organizations, communities and business groups, to showcase the rich heritage, wisdom and potentials of Biodiversity.  

Among the topics will be discussed biodiversity and food security, biodiversity conservation, sustainable utilization and management of traditional knowledge, biotechnology and genetic resources.

For more detailed information, please visit this link